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Meet Arnold

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Who Am I?

Hello, My name is Arnold , welcome to my bio.I am a Whakatau software developer intern who not suprisingly likes computers, video games and music a lot. In my free times i usually listen to music, play video games, read books and watching gaming tournament's overall just increase my skills and general knowledge. I do go out with friends and family at times but i also enjoy my own company as i believe you cant enjoy other people's company if you don't enjoy yours first.

Image of where arnold comes from

Where i come from

During my early life i lived in Limpopo, a province in South Africa in a small but peaceful village where it was very community orientated with my very lovely Grandmother. It was a village where everyone knew everyone and all helped each other. During my late teenage years i moved to Gauteng to have more access to oppoturnities where i lived with the rest of my family.

Core belief: Make it work, Make it right, Make if fast

Why I am part of Whakatau

I applied to be part of Whakatau because ive always been fascinated with computers and all the cool things they did, and the plan was to make it a life career and after i came across Whakatau, an opportunity to do just that had presented itself and i seized it. With the help and Whakatau and my determination i hope to become a very competent and a very capable software developer that will be involved in developing softwares of the future and help businesses thrive and put Whakatau on the map. My time with Whakatau has been some of the best of my life , thanks to the support, memories, awesome collegues, great and the best boss ever. As much as i've learned everyday just keep getting better and more knowledge aquired.