The WhakaTeam Website

The amazing whakateam embark on a coding journey,we created our first website!

Skill Used:







The beginning of our coding journey

Goals and Objectives

The challange posed to us was to create a fully fuctioning website using only HTML and CSS, these coding languages are normally used in conjunction with JavaScript (JS) for functionality.

The website has a few sections: A Landing Page, a Team Overview Page, a Projects Section as well as Individual Bio Pages for the WhakaTeam. As any normal site, it had to be uniform in styling, while also keeping the individual styles of everyone in the team, not so simple a task for a team of 8 culturally diverse individuals that want to let their personality shine.

Functionality would refer to the specific workings of the page; menus, buttons, carousels, etc. These would normally be accomplished using JavaScript, instead we used CSS, a language generally used for styling, so we had to get a little creative.


The Landing Page simply has a picture of us, the WhakaTeam, as well as a thorough description of the team. From here you can navigate to other pages, primarily the Team Overview page. On this page you will find our profile cards, you will be able to put names to the wonderfilled faces of the people this very website. You will get to know us at a personal capacity, well, as personal as a bio can get anyway.

On our menu to the top right of the page, you will find an option named "Projects", it will take you to our Project Overview page, there you will find the markup of our current skillset as a team and how we approach our projects. This page is where we showcase our projects, the fruits of our labour and the results of our determination as a team.

You will be able to see the details of said projects on the showcase, much like you are now, just click the button and check them out.

Trials and Tributations

Developing this website as an amateur team presented a unique set of challenges that tested our commitment and determination. Our limited experience and expertise in web development brought about various difficulties, including technical limitations, taking into account that we had to resolve said technicalities with a styling language, design inexperience, and a steeper learning curve. To tackle these challenges, we adopted a team mindset and invested time in skill-building and self-education; while this may sound counteractive, we believe that by building our individual skills, we have become stronger as a team.

We utilized online resources and tutorials, provided to us by our leader, Sandra van Dijk, to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to address technical issues. We also focused on simplifying our design by using the Whakatau website as our style guide, it pushed us to focus on making our pages have a consistent feel, which was a challange since we have such diverse personalites on our team; making it that significantly more enjoyable, ensuring a feasible scope. Additionally, we embraced the power of teamwork and mutual support, encouraging members to learn from each other and share their discoveries. Our journey as amateur developers was marked by perseverance, adaptability, and a shared passion for creating a beautiful and professional website despite our limited experience.